
19 août 2015


Je me demandais si tu connais la personne derrière le blog dont je viens de lire cet article
Je te demande ça car c'est une féministe lesbienne  (radicale?) bilingue habitant à Londres, je ne peux m’empêcher de te copier et coller un extrait, celui qui m'a fait "psychoter" comme dirait les autres car en effet le système pervers est bien étanche, notre parole contre leur parole, ne peut être entendue et ça me frustre très fort quand je m'en rend compte. 
Elle arrive à la même conclusion que ton amie qui s'est déconstruite pour devenir lesbienne car hétérosexualité est source de zones grises . Je voudrais savoir où puis-je me renseigner sur ce sujet?
Voici l'extrait:
I thought how perfect the system is. The abuse going on behind closed doors every day and night and no one reports it. And no one to listen.
The fact that women cannot complain because no women can clearly say when sex is rape, because no women knows when sex is rape, (when women realise this, they stop sexually engaging with men).
THIS is the nature of heterosexuality, all of it, in this little nasty man’s “joke”. 
This grey area is how heterosexuality works and precisely how it ambush women.And this is why women must stay away from it.
" thought of double meanings. I thought of grey areas. I thought how crazy I would have looked in front of everyone had I said something. I thought of how he would have said it was a misunderstanding and how he would have been believed. I thought how my feeling of disgust and anger would have been dismissed and shamed. I thought how there is no way for women to have justice or peace because rapists are so good at creating and manipulating grey areas. And how impossible it is for women to even be rightfully angry and seeking justice or revenge because of those grey areas.